How to create a Record Template

The creation of a Record Template requires producing an XML description that details:

  • Which fields are to be copied from the source record.
  • Which input values are to be specified when the Template is used.
  • The maximum number of records to be created.
  • Whether a starting IRN may be specified.
  • What data to show for each record created in the Template report.

To be able to create a Record Template in a module a user must have (or be a member of a group that has) the daTemplates permission set for that module.

  1. Search for or otherwise list a group of records.
  2. Select Tools>Templates from the Menu bar to display the Record Templates box with a list of pre-defined Record Templates.
  3. Click New to display the Record Template Properties box:


  4. Enter a descriptive name for the Record Template in the top text field.
  5. In the Record Template XML area enter the XML description for the Record Template.

    The XML format is covered in detail in How to define a Record Template.

  6. If required, select the Security tab to give other users permission to use this Record Template.
  7. Click OK.

    Your new Record Template is added to the Record Template list.

  8. Click Close to return to your list of matching records


    Click OK to use the new Record Template.